Set up your account, organise Lessons, add students and access the Professional Learning Hub.
Follow along step-by-step, or you can click on a section below to jump straight to it:
- Create an account and/or log in;
- Access the Professional Learning Hub;
- Set up your first Subject;
- Release and hide Lessons;
- Add students to your Subject.
1. Create an account and/or log in
You will need to receive an invitation email to join your school as a teacher on Stile. The invite will come from the school's Stile Admin or from a teacher whose classes you are taking over. Click the link in the invite and follow the prompts to set up your account.
If you have not yet received an email invite, talk to your school's admin (most often the Head of Department or Digital Learning Coordinator). If you're not sure who this is at your school, please contact us.
2. Access the Professional Learning Hub
Once you have created your account and logged in, you can access the Stile Professional Learning Hub from the side menu. Here you will find self paced training modules, purchased Stile Academy modules and upcoming events in your area. Work through the modules to learn about Stile features, along with pedagogical tips from our team of experienced teachers.
Note: You'll earn Training Badges as you complete tasks included in the training modules. Collecting all badges will earn teachers the prestigious title of ‘Stile Super Teacher’.
3. Set up your first Subject
You can find Stile's entire collection of ready-to-teach, fully customisable Lessons in the Stile Library. Core curriculum aligned year 7-10 units are arranged per term in a suggested Scope and Sequence.
Click on a unit's tile to reveal it's Overview and links to Teacher Resources including a detailed Teaching Plan and Lab Guide.
Click on the Lessons and Curriculum tabs to preview Lessons and view alignment details.
Click Teach this unit in the Overview to create your own copy of the unit. A window will pop up and prompt you to name your first Subject where you organise your Lessons and enrol Students. Click Add unit when you are ready to create your Subject and follow the prompts to go to your copy of the unit.
4. Navigate Stile Lessons
Click on a Lesson's title to open the lesson in Prepare mode. At the very top of the page, you'll notice a toggle switch with three options: Prepare, Teach, and Analyse. Each mode will give you a different view of the Lesson, with different tools.
Prepare mode allows you to review and edit the Lesson's content and model answers before releasing it to your students. Learn more about what you can do in Prepare mode here.
Teach mode is designed to help you lead discussion, present your screen, and engage with students in during class. Learn more about what you can do in Teach mode here.
Analyse mode provides a snapshot of student responses as they work through a Lesson, and allows you to efficiently mark student work after class. Learn more about what you can do in Analyse mode here.
5. Release and hide Lessons
By default, Lessons copied from the Stile Science library are available (visible) to all students, excluding assessed check-ins and tests. Each Lesson can be controlled individually, and you can also control selections or the whole Folder.
From the unit Folder to the right of the Lesson you want to make available or hide, click on the text to reveal a menu to see the release options.
Once your students are added this menu will expand to allow you to release and hide Lessons to individual students, or groups of students as needed.
Click here to find out more about and releasing and hiding Lessons to you students.
6. Add students to your Subject
Students will need to be given access to the Lessons you just copied into the Subject. Click on the Students button at the top of the page to manage enrolment.
Students will need to go to and enter the 6-digit Class code visible at the top of the Students page. You will see their names appear in your Class list in real-time as they log in.
Enrolment is a one-time process for each Subject. Students can log in at the next time they use Stile and find the Subject on their homepage.
Learn more about managing Classes, including creating multiple Classes for your Subject here.
Congratulations! Your Subject is now set up and you have earned Launch Legend training badge in the Professional Learning Hub. Explore your Lessons and enjoy your teaching journey on Stile!
You may want to check out these resources next:
- Professional Learning Hub;
- Mark student work;
- Release model answers and feedback to your students;
- The Markbook: gateway to every piece of student activity in a Subject;
- Stile Lesson content types;
- Add another teacher to your Subject or remove a co-teacher;
- Reset a student password;
- Top tips for lab technicians.