Manage which Lessons your students can see and work on at any given time.
You have total control over what Lessons you want your students to see in each of your Subjects. Using the differentiation controls within each Folder, you can quickly and easily assign Lessons to whole Classes or even to specific students.
To the right of each Lesson's title are the differentiation controls in a column labelled Available to. These are the controls which allow you to select who can see and access each Lesson. Lessons can be controlled individually, or you can control several Lessons at once.
In the image above, the Introduction, Career profile, Questions board, 1.1 Changing matter and 1.2 Physical Change are each released to all students in the Subject. 1.1-1.2 Check-in: Changing matter and physical change are each hidden from all students in the Subject.
Here is how the Folder appears to students in that Subject. Notice that only the released Lessons are visible.
By default, all Stile Science Lessons will be released to all students in your Subject, excluding assessments (check-ins and tests), which will be hidden. You may want to hide later Lessons when starting a new unit to prevent students from jumping ahead. Similarly, you could create a "closed book" exam by hiding all Lessons in a unit when you release the unit test.
Click to jump to each guide or continue reading below:
- Hide or release all Lessons to all students;
- Hide or release a single Lesson;
- Hide or release multiple Lessons.
Hide or release all Lessons to all students
Every Folder includes a Release all menu. Click on the menu to reveal the two options:
- Release all non-assessed lessons will release Lessons that are not marked as assessments;
- Release all lessons will release everything in the Folder including Lessons marked as assessments. (If you are not familiar with the difference, you can learn more about assessments here.)
Next to the Release all menu is a Hide all button. Click it to hide every Lesson in that Folder from all students. When all Lessons in a Folder are hidden, the students won't see the Folder at all.
Hide or release a single Lesson
Click on the controls next to the Lesson you want to manage and a menu will appear, which contains a search box and several options controlled by tick boxes.
- Tick the box next to All students to release the Lesson to every student in the Subject. This will tick every box in the menu;
- Tick the box next to a specific Class to release the Lesson to all students within that Class;
- Click on the name of a Class to see the list of all students enrolled in that Class. Tick the box next to a student's name to release the Lesson to that student only. You can select multiple students across all of your Classes this way;
- If you can't find a specific student at a glance, type their name into the search bar.
Anyone who is not marked with a ticked box will not be able to see the Lesson. This means that to hide the Lesson, all you have to do is untick the boxes. Everything you do here is instant, so you won't need to save any changes.
Hide or release multiple Lessons
To the left of each Lesson's title is a tick box. These boxes allow you to control multiple Lessons at the same time. They do not release the Lessons when you tick them. Instead, they reveal a new set of differentiation controls that will apply to every Lesson you tick.
Tick the boxes to the left of Lesson titles to select those Lessons you want to control. Alternatively, tick the box next to the word Lesson at the top of the column to select every Lesson in the Folder.
Click on the Release to menu that appears at the top of the Lesson list and select which Classes and students should see the Lesson. This menu works exactly the same as the individual Lesson menus.
To clear your selection of Lessons, click the tick box at the top of the list. This will untick any Lessons you selected in the Folder.
These resources might be helpful for what you want to do next: