Invite, enrol, and manage the people in each Subject.
Every Subject in Stile has its own Students page where you control who can access that Subject:
- Add and remove students and co-teachers;
- Organise students into groups called Classes;
- Help them reset their passwords when they have trouble logging in.
Access the Students page by clicking the Students button in the Subject header at the top of the page.
This article acts as a quick overview of the Students page. You can find links to more detailed tutorials in each section:
- Find the Class code;
- Add students;
- Remove students;
- Reset a student's password;
- Change a student's name;
- Make a new Class;
- Move a student between Classes;
- Delete a Class;
- Archive a Class;
- Give another teacher access to the Subject.
The Class code
The Class code allows students to join a specific Class within a specific Subject. Each Class has its own Class code. You can read more about the Class code here.
Add students
Students enrol in a Class to work on Lessons (activities, check-ins/quizzes, exams) within a Subject. They must be invited by the Subject's teacher. Read more about adding students to your Subject here.
Remove a student
Only remove a student if they haven't done any work within that Subject. Removing a student account does not delete it or reset it. You can save their work by archiving them instead, or reset their password to help them log in. Read more about removing students here.
Reset a student's password
Teachers can create temporary passwords for students to help them quickly recover account access. Read about temporary passwords here.
Change a student's name
Whether intentional or accidental, students can sometimes enter the wrong name when creating Stile accounts. You can edit their name in just a few clicks. Read the tutorial here.
Make a new Class
Each Subject can contain multiple Classes, or groups of students. Read more about managing multiple Classes here.
Move a student between Classes
A student can only be enrolled in one Class within each Subject. They can be moved between Classes in that Subject at any time and their work will move with them, however moving them to a whole new Subject will not transfer the work. Read more about moving a student between Classes here.
Delete a Class
A Class can only be deleted if it does not contain any students. Read more about deleting Classes here.
Archive a Class
Archiving removes the Class from the Markbook and preserves the student work. Students in the archived Class will no longer see the Subject on their home page. Read more about archiving here.
Add a teacher to a Subject
Multiple teachers can be enrolled in a single Subject as co-teachers. Every teacher within the Subject can modify its resources, manage Classes, and review student work. Read more about adding co-teachers here.
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