Model answers are embedded into each open-ended question in Stile, and they can be modified or replaced.
Students can only see Model answers once you release them; they are not visible while students are working, nor can they be viewed if a student submits their work.
Learn more about using Model answers to mark student work in here.
Open a Lesson in Prepare Mode
Make sure you are viewing the Lesson in Prepare mode. Scroll down through the Lesson until you find the question you want to work on, and click on its Edit button next to the question number.
Make your edits on the Model answer tab
The first tab below your question text will be labelled Question or Student answer. This is where your students will fill in their responses. Click on the next tab, Model answer, to edit the answer. The tools available to you in the Model answer will be the same tools available to students when they work on that question.
This part of the question will only be visible to you and other teachers in the Subject. Students cannot see model answers until you release answers and feedback.
Save your changes
When you are satisfied with your edits and you've double-checked them against the question, click the green Done button to save your changes.
Printing Answers
You may want to save a copy of the Model answers for reference by either printing them or saving them to PDF. Click on the Print button in the upper right corner and select Print model answers. Your browser's print dialogue window will allow you to either print those Model answers or save them as a PDF. Learn more about printing Stile Lessons here.
These resources might be helpful for what you want to do next: