Quickly view and mark student responses alongside the model answer.
Click on each topic to go to directly its section, or keep reading below:
- View responses alongside the model answer;
- Mark and leave feedback;
- Move between students quickly;
- Keyboard shortcuts.
View responses alongside the model answer
You can access the marking view for each open-ended question from the Lesson's Analyse mode. Find the question you want to review in the Question analysis section and click on View responses. If you're not familiar with Analyse mode, click here to learn more.
You can also open this view in Teach mode by clicking the Show responses button above any open-ended question. Read more about Teach mode here.
There are three different viewing modes. Switch viewing modes by clicking on the corresponding tabs:
- Student answer shows only the student's response;
- Model answer shows only the model answer, which is handy for presenting to the classroom;
- Compare shows you both in a side-by-side layout.
Mark and leave feedback
The bottom of the page includes the mark value of the question, a comment box, and Right and Wrong buttons.
- Add the total number of marks earned for the question to the box on the left. Total marks are only calculated on assessments.
- Click the speech bubble to add feedback comments for the student to read.
- Click the tick or X to mark the response right or wrong.
Note: The Live brainstorm does not have these tools because it is not a markable question.
Move between students quickly
Click the left and right arrow buttons to move to the next or previous student in the list, or use your keyboard's arrow keys to do the same.
You can also click on the current student's name to reveal a drop-down menu of every student who has attempted the question. Select a student from the menu to jump directly to their response.
Keyboard shortcuts
Click on Keyboard shortcuts at the top of the screen, or type ? to display the list of shortcuts.
The three shortcuts that can speed up your marking the most are the Right (R), Wrong (W), and Move between students buttons (left and right arrow keys).
You can also adjust the number of Marks (M) awarded to a student on each question in assessed Lessons. When you finish marking the question for all students, press the Escape key to return directly to Analyse mode or Teach mode.
Protip: These keyboard shortcuts only work when you are not typing in a comment box. Click out of the box or use one of the keyboard shortcuts (Esc or Cmnd+Enter) to exit the comment box.
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