Release Lessons and sync Stile marks to your Canvas Gradebook.
Before you continue: Your school must hold an active Canvas subscription and have integrated Stile with Canvas. Click here to learn how to set up the integration.
Follow these steps to link to a Lesson:
- Select a course in Canvas;
- Add an assignment;
- Add an External tool (i.e. Stile);
- Save and publish;
- Release answers and feedback.
Step 1: Select a course in Canvas
Log in to Canvas and click on Courses in the navigation column on the left side of the screen.
Select the Course in which you want to work, or create a new course.
Next, click on Assignments in the Course navigation menu.
Step 2: Add an assignment
Click the blue +Assignment button to create a new assignment.
Fill in the assignment name and the number of points in the appropriate boxes:
- The assignment name in Canvas does not need to match the Lesson name in Stile, however, making them identical can help you and your students stay organised;
- The number of points in Canvas should match the available marks for the Lesson in Stile.
Note: If you later change the number of marks available on the Stile Lesson, then you will need to update the Canvas assignment points manually. This feature has not been integrated (yet).
Step 3: Add an External Tool (i.e. Stile)
On the same page, click on the Submission type menu and select External tool.
External tool options will appear. Click the grey Find button next to the URL text box.
A menu window will appear. Click on the Stile Lesson tool for your school. (The example above includes multiple tools setup for multi-school district, but you may only have one!)
Choose the Stile Lesson you want to link to this assignment and click its Assign button. Assessments are tagged so you can find them easily.
A URL will have appeared in the Canvas box. Tick the checkbox for Load this tool in a new tab.
Note: Embedding a Stile Lesson inline within a Canvas assignment uses iframe, which is like a web window within a window. A limitation of using iframe is that certain login portals will refuse to load correctly, which means students may not be able to log into Stile if the Lesson is embedded. This is why we recommend loading Stile in a new browser tab.
Click the blue Select button in the menu window and it will take you back to the New assignment page, with the Stile Lesson loaded in the Submission type box.
Step 4: Save and publish
Fill in any additional details as you would normally do in Canvas, save the assignment, and publish as usual.
Warning: Any student assigned to a published linked assignment in Canvas will have the lesson in Stile automatically released to them, even if hidden in Stile. If groups of students are completing the same linked lesson at different times, ensure only students are assigned access to the assignment in Canvas at the times needed.
When students launch the assignment from Canvas, they'll be prompted to log into Stile, or if their Canvas email address doesn't have an associated Stile account yet they'll be prompted to set one up. The Stile Lesson will automatically be released to a student when they launch it from Canvas.
Step 5. Release answers and feedback
From the Students page in Stile, Students who have linked their Stile and Canvas accounts by launching an assignment from Canvas will have a Canvas icon next to their name.
When you release answers and feedback for an assessment in Stile, marks will be copied to the Canvas Gradebook automatically for linked Students.
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