Add up to three sets of data on a single graph in line, scatter, or column format.
The Graph question is fully interactive for you and your students. You can pre-populate data to get the students started or allow them to create the Graph from scratch, including axis labels and the title. The Graph updates in real time as data is entered in the X and Y columns.
How to set up the question
The Graph widget can be found in the Questions section of your content bar in Prepare mode. If you can't see the content bar in your Lesson, click on the Add content tab sticking to the right edge of your page.
When writing the question, you have access to the full rich text toolbar that includes options for formatting, special characters, and mathematical notation. Click here for a complete tutorial on what's available. You may want to help your students with some visual cues, such as writing cognitive verbs in bold or highlighting context clues with italics. If there are multiple parts to the question, then outline them in a numbered list. This is entirely up to you!
If your Lesson is an Assessment, then be sure to adjust the number of marks. All Stile questions are worth 1 mark by default and this can be changed to whatever you like. If the Lesson is not an assessed quiz or test then this box can be ignored.
Next, choose a graph type from the selection in the lower left corner. Populate the graph with whatever information you would like to provide to the students. This can include the title of the graph, the axis labels and ranges, the names of the data sets, the first few data points, or nothing at all.
Choose the type of graph from the three options in the bottom left corner. When entering data sets, click below the X and Y to type into the columns. A new row will appear below each data point you enter so you can create an unlimited number of data points per set.
Toggle between data sets by clicking on the circle, diamond, and square in the top right corner of the graph. These three icons represent the three data sets available. Only one data set is available for the column graph.
The model answer can be written next. Click the Model answer tab below the question text box. Model answers mimic student responses, so your tools for creating the answer will be exactly the same as those provided to the student.
Complete the graph as you would expect it to be completed by the student. If this graph is an open-ended collection of data from a practical activity, then you may want to leave it blank or use an example from a previous class. You will be able to use this model answer later when reviewing student answers and discussing them with the class, so make sure it is beneficial to them as much as it is to you.
In the Settings tab you can flag the question as a Key question or Challenge. These flags are optional and should not be used on every question in a Lesson. Key questions demonstrate student understanding of a stated learning goal, and Challenges are typically more difficult to answer than the rest of the Lesson.
You can learn more about Key questions and Challenge questions here.
Click the blue Done button in the lower right corner of the widget when you are satisfied with the question's setup.
How students interact with the question
Students working through your Lesson will see the question as you've written it followed by the graph. Everything in the graph is editable by the student as well, so they can interact with all the same elements. You may want to prompt them to focus on specific elements to edit, such as labelling the graph properly or entering data points from a provided table.
The student will be able to see more information after you review the student's work and release answers and feedback. Releasing answers allows the student to see the marks they earned, any comments you've made on their response, and the model answer to the question. You must deliberately release answers for your students to see them, but on a non-assessed Lesson your comments will appear in real time.
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