Lessons can be copied from one Subject and pasted into another. This can be done on an individual Lesson or on a collection of Lessons in a Folder.
Moving Lessons between Subjects is especially helpful when creating and editing custom content, or when using the same resources in new Subjects year after year. It can also be helpful if you move to a new school and you want to take some of your customized Lessons with you.
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Copy and paste a single Lesson
Find the Lesson to be copied and click into it. Click the More menu located above the cover photo and then select the Copy option.
Next, navigate into the Subject where the Lesson will be pasted from the side menu. Choose which Folder will hold the Lesson or create a new Folder.
Click on the More menu in the Folder's header and select Paste lesson here. The Lesson will appear at the bottom of the Folder.
Copy and paste a whole Folder
Find the Folder to be copied and click on the More menu in the Folder's header. Select Copy this folder. Wait until you see a notification pop up that confirms it's been copied. This can take a little time if the folder is large!
Next, navigate into the Subject where the Folder will be pasted from the side menu.
Click on the More menu in the Folder's header and select Paste folder here. The Folder will appear at the bottom of the page with its contents collapsed. Click its header to reveal the contents including Lessons, student notes, and teaching notes.
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