This article covers common errors in Stile and what to do if you encounter them.
Click on the topic to go directly to that section of the article, or keep reading below:
- Stile won't recognize my email address;
- Stile logged into someone else's account;
- Permission Denied - 403 error;
- Something went wrong or Uh oh! error;
- The iPad app is not working;
- The Stile X app is not working;
- My student's Stile X workbook QR code says it's already been used;
- My subjects are gone and I'm being told to enter a class code;
- Students or Lessons are missing from the Markbook;
- Something else in Stile isn't working.
Stile won't recognize my email address
When you enter your email address on the login page, Stile will do two things:
- It will check to see if your school is set up with Single Sign-on (SSO) and redirect you to your school login page;
- It will check to see if your email is tied to a Stile account and then ask you to enter your password.
If the email address is not connected to a Stile account, then a message appears:
Could not find your Stile account. If you've signed in before with a different school email address, try that.
If you are sure that the email address you entered is the correct one, then double-check your spelling! One of the most common login errors involves mistyping the email address.
If you are a student, ask your teacher to check your email address in their Students list on Stile. You will need to enter it exactly as it appears on that page (typos and all). You can update your email address to the correct one once you are logged in.
Stile logged into someone else's account
This can happen if you or your students share computers and forget to log out at the end of the session. Always be sure to log out of shared devices!
If your login does not match the now logging in as... address in the error messge, then click the That's not me button.
Log out of Stile. Click on the name (or "edit profile") in the upper right corner of the screen and then click the Log out button. Next, sign out of the device completely. Log back in to the device using the correct credentials and then log in to Stile.
Permission Denied - 403 error
This message appears if you try to access a page that isn't available to you. It could also say Sorry, we couldn't find that subject.
For students, this usually happens when you click a link or notification to a hidden Lesson. Hidden Lessons aren't available to students even if answers and feedback are released. Ask your teacher to release the Lesson to you.
For teachers or Lab techs, this error can appear when you click a direct link to a Subject that you don't manage. You must be a teacher or co-teacher in the Subject in order to access it. If a colleague gave you the link, follow up to ask them to invite you as a co-teacher.
Something went wrong or Uh oh! error
These are two of the most common error messages you can come across in Stile. They can appear in various locations and have a wide range of causes. Sometimes the solution is simple, and so we recommend you first try the troubleshooting steps outlined below.
If you continue to see the error message in Stile and you've tried those steps, then please get in touch with the Stile Support team and provide as much detail as possible.
The iPad app is not working
The dedicated Stile app for iPad was retired at the end of 2020 and it is heavily degraded. Using it will result in loss of student work. Please uninstall the app and log in to using a web browser, such as Safari or Chrome.
The Stile X app is not working
Make sure you have the latest version installed. You can check for updates by going to the App store or Play store on your mobile device. Also make sure that you scanned the workbook QR code and that it is listed in your collection on the Stile X app.
My student's Stile X workbook QR code says it's already been used
This can happen if someone else scanned the code first, such as a classmate or sibling. They may also have more than one Stile account and the workbook is tied to the other account. The Stile Support team can find out who the code is associated with and offer a solution.
For the quickest help, open the Help menu in Stile (or an email addressed to and include the following info:
- Your student's name and email address (if it's their workbook);
- Which unit workbook you are trying to scan (e.g. Climate Change, The Immune System, etc.);
- Either a picture of the QR code in the workbook or the unique alphanumeric code that is printed below the QR code.
The Support team will use this info to look up who redeemed the code and to offer a solution that best fits your circumstance.
There is also the possibility that your student already scanned the code (they only need to do it once!) so check their Stile X app to see if the workbook is listed in their collection.
My subjects are gone and I'm being told to enter a class code
The most probable cause for this screen is using the wrong email address to log in.
It is possible to create more than one Stile account if you have more than one valid email address. For example: if you normally log in with and then sign in with instead, then you might make a new Stile account.
Click on your name in the upper right corner of Stile to view your profile page. Make note of the email address listed on the account. Then, click the Log out button near the top right corner of the screen. Do not try to add your other email address to the account!
Back on the log in page, use your other school email address to log in. If your Subjects still don't appear, then get in touch with the Stile Support team. Let us know what school you are associated with on Stile, and the names of any Stile Subjects or co-teachers you can think of. This will help us track down and restore your resources.
Students or Lessons are missing from the Markbook
There may be a few different reasons why you cannot find a particular activity or student in the Markbook:
- Your Markbook is filtered or your Folders are closed. Learn more about these Markbook tools here.
- Your student has more than one account, and their work is in the other one. Try to find a second account for your student, and contact the Support team to have them merged together.
- You have more than one copy of that Lesson, and the students worked in the other one. Scroll from left to right to find another copy of the Lesson in a different Folder. It may help to look on the Lessons page instead of in the Markbook.
- If an entire class is missing, then it may have been archived by mistake. Learn about class archiving and how to undo it here.
Something else in Stile isn't working right
Most often, issues with Stile can be solved by looking at your browser and device first. Try these steps before contacting our Support team for further help.
1. Refresh the page
Sometimes, things don't load properly (especially on an unstable internet connection). Refresh the page to force the browser to try again. For extra oomph, try a hard refresh that clears the page's cache at the same time. This can usually be done by pressing Ctrl+Shift+R on Windows or Cmnd+Shift+R on Mac.
2. Clear your browsing data
Browsing the internet produces heaps of data flowing to and from your device. On occasion, an old piece of data will get stuck in your browser and it will conflict with more current data. This can cause issues with pages loading, or the wrong information appearing where you expect something else. You can fix this by clearing your browser's recent history:
- Chrome: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData;
- Edge: edge://settings/clearBrowserData;
- For Safari, click on the Safari menu button and select Clear History...;
- For Firefox, click the History menu button and select Clear Recent History...
3. Update and restart your browser
Browsers have a tendency to update frequently - sometimes more than once a week. Make sure your browser is running the latest version:
- Chrome: chrome://settings/help
- Edge: edge://settings/help
- Safari: Safari is tied to the operating system. Check for updates by going to System Preferences on your device, and then select Software Update.
- Firefox: about:preferences - Firefox Updates will be in the General section.
- Internet Explorer: This browser is no longer supported. We recommend you use Edge or Chrome instead.
- The Stile app for iPad: This was retired at the end of 2020 and is no longer supported. We recommend you uninstall the app and use Safari or Chrome instead.
You will likely need to restart the browser to install updates. Once the browser restarts, go back to Stile and see if the issue is solved. If you are unable to update your preferred browser, try opening Stile in a different browser.
4. Disable extensions or go incognito
Browser extensions such as ad blockers or grammar checks can interfere with Stile. You can get around them by using an incognito or private window. You can also disable the extensions in your normal browser window and then refresh the page. It's safe to assume that an extension is the issue if Stile works when you remove the extension.
5. Restart your computer
That's right - turn it off and on again. It's amazing how many issues get solved by this!
If the issue persists...
If you try the above four steps and Stile still isn't working right, please get in touch with Stile's Support team with the following information:
- Screenshots or a recording of the issue occurring;
- A description of where it's happening, or a direct link to that Lesson/Subject/Markbook, etc;
- Whether or not we are allowed to access your account while we investigate;
- What you've tried already from the steps listed above.
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