Find lessons you would like to teach in Stile's library of science content, and add them to your subject.
From the sidebar on the left, click on Stile Library where you will find science lessons written and published by the Stile team. Lessons are arranged into units in our recommended scope and sequence, ready for use in your classroom. Click on a unit's image to reveal more information.
Click the Teach this unit button from the unit's overview to create your own copy. This tutorial uses Introduction to Science as an example, but you can choose any unit that suits your needs.
You will be prompted to name and create and name Subject if you haven't already, or to copy the unit to any exisiting Subject. Type a name to create a new Subject or click on an exisiting Subject from the list, followed by +Add Unit to create your own copy.
Click Go to your copy of the unit when you are ready, or Keep browsing to stay in the Stile Library to browse and add more units.
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