Seamlessly connect your school's Stile account to the learning management system Canvas.
This tutorial will guide you through the initial setup of integrating Stile and Canvas. Once complete, you and your colleagues will be able to link Stile Lessons to Canvas Assignments and copy marks to the Canvas Gradebook. Your school must have an existing Canvas subscription.
Before you continue: You must be a Stile Admin and a Canvas Admin for your school to complete the integration. If you are not a Canvas Admin, please forward this article to the appropriate person at your school (often a Head of IT) and we can make them a Stile Admin as well. You must be a Stile admin for each Stile school you wish to integrate with Canvas.
Carefully follow the steps below to complete the integration:
- Create a Developer Key in Canvas;
- Enter the integration details into Stile and Canvas;
- Add the Stile App to Canvas.
- Additional configuration for multi-school districts and networks
Step 1: Create a Developer Key in Canvas
Log in to your Canvas account to get started.
Click on the Admin button in the left column of the screen (just above the Dashboard button) and then click on your school's account. In the example above, our school account is called Stile Education.
In the second column of the screen (beginning with Courses), click on Developer Keys.
Next, click on the blue + Developer Key button on the right side of the screen and then select + LTI Key from the menu that appears.
A new screen will appear titled Key settings.
Type Stile into the Key name text box and enter your email address in the Owner email text box.
Click the Method menu under the Configure title and select the Enter URL option.
Before you continue: You must keep this Key settings page open because it is not yet saved! The next step will take you to Open a new browser tab to do this.
Step 2: Enter the integration details into Stile and Canvas
In a new browser tab, log in to and then click on the Manage staff button under Admin in your side navigation menu.
Click on Canvas LMS in the left column (below Staff and Import Data) and scroll down to the Canvas LMS LTI key configuration section. The information in this section will be unique to your school. Do not copy the examples shown in this tutorial!
Copy the JSON URL, which is highlighted with a light grey background. Go back to your Canvas browser tab and paste the selection into the JSON URL text box.
Pro tip: To the right of the URL in Stile is a small blue copy symbol. Click that to copy the whole string of text!
Go back to the Stile browser tab again and copy the Redirect URIs and then paste them into the *Redirect URIs text box in your Canvas browser tab. These will paste as multiple lines - this is correct!
Click Save in the lower right corner of Canvas. This will take you back to the list of Canvas developer keys configured for your account.
Find your new key at the top of the list and make sure the State switch is set to On, highlighted in green. It may be Off (in red) by default; click On to toggle the setting. This will activate your new key.
Go back to your Stile browser tab and fill in the details in the Register Canvas account details with Stile section:
- Canvas URL is the address you go to in your browser to load your school's Canvas account, without the trailing slash. It usually looks like (including the https://), but it might be different if you have a custom Canvas URL.
Client ID can be found in the Details column in your Canvas browser tab. It is a long number followed by a Show key button. Do not click the Show key button. This is a secret key and Stile doesn't need it.
In the example below, the Canvas ID starts with 15727. Copy the whole number. - Issuer is by default. This default value is filled in for you. You should leave this field alone unless your Canvas admin has given you another value.
Click the green Save configuration button in Stile to save the details.
Warning: If your school uses a custom or vanity Canvas URL, additional configuration will be required on Stile's end. Please send your custom Canvas URL to and let the team know that you need it configured for your Canvas integration.
Step 3: Add the Stile App to Canvas
Go back to your Canvas browser tab.
Click on Settings at the very bottom of the second column on the screen. Next, click on Apps in the top row of options (between Reports and Feature options).
Click on the View app configurations button on the right side of the screen.
Click the blue +App button that appears in the same area. A new window will appear titled Add app.
Click into the very first menu, titled Configuration type, and select By Client ID. This will reduce the Add app window to just a single field titled Client ID. Enter your Client ID (from Step 2! You can find it in your Stile tab) and then click the blue Submit button.
A new window will appear. Click the blue Install button.
Step 4: Additional configuration for multi-school districts and networks
Skip this step if you are only setting up one school.
Each school needs its own Developer key in Canvas. This extra step will help differentiate the Stile configurations for your staff, otherwise they will all look identical.
Set up a school according to Steps 1-3 in this guide and then go back to the Developer keys page in Canvas. Click the Edit button (a pencil icon) next to the key you just created. Edit the following fields:
- Key Name: Near the top right of the key settings page, update the Key Name to also include the school's name, e.g. "Stile - Exhibition Middle School." This is what appears in the list of developer keys to make it clearer for your admin team.
- Title: In the Required fields section, update the Title to include the school name, similar to the Key Name. This is the name that will appear under the external app settings in Canvas to make it clearer for your team.
- Text: Scroll down to the Assignment Selection section at the bottom of the key settings page and update the Text field to include the school name, e.g. "Stile Lesson - Exhibition Middle School." This is the name teachers will see when linking assignments. As they will be presented with all of the school options, this will make it clear for them to be able to select their own school from the list.
Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom right corner to keep these changes!
Repeat all four steps for each school. You can switch between schools in Stile via the side navigation menu to access each school's Canvas LTI config information.
You made it! This integration is a one-time process for each school, so you won't have to do it again.
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