Questions and content blocks - called widgets - can be deleted from any Lesson in Stile.
Stile Lessons are fully customizable, which means you can tailor them to your students' needs. This includes adding or deleting whole questions, images, blocks of text, or any other content you don't want or need.
Before you continue: Deleting a question will also delete the student work associated with it. This means that if previous classes have completed a Lesson you are editing, their work will be altered when you delete questions that those students have completed. Restoring the deleted question will also restore the associated student work.
Click through to the relevant section you're after, or keep reading below:
Delete a single question or content widget
Every widget includes an Edit option, a Delete option, and a More menu, which you can find in your Lesson's Prepare mode. Click the Delete button to remove the widget from the Lesson. A message will appear to verify the deletion, click Delete to delete the widget.
Delete multiple questions and content widgets
Click the tickbox in the top left corner of each widget you want to delete. A bulk editing toolbar will appear at the top of your page indicating how many widgets are selected. When you are ready to delete them, click the Delete button in that top toolbar
Note: When deleting two widgets that are side by side, as in the example above, the widgets will be removed but the split layout will remain in the Lesson. Click Remove side by side layout after deleting the widgets if you no longer want it.
Restore deleted questions and content widgets
Deleted widgets can be restored at any time, and any student work done on those widgets will also be restored. At the top of the Lesson page select the Options menu and then select Restore deleted content.
Click on the green Restore button next to any individual widget you would like to restore, or Restore all on the top right of the menu to restore all deleted widgets in the Lesson. Restored widgets will appear at the bottom of the lesson where they can be moved back into place by using the four-headed arrow to the right of the Select button or right of the question number. You can select multiple widgets to move at once using the tickboxes, similar to deleting in bulk.
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