Your school on Stile has its own private library separate from the Stile science library.
The school library works much like the Stile library, except that you are the author! Anything you share to the library can be used by other teachers at your school. Your original copies are safe in your Subject. Other teachers make copies from the school library to use in their own Subjects.
This article shows how to share, update, and remove your Lessons in the school library.
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Share resources to your school's library
Lessons are shared at the Folder level. Click the Folder's More button to view its options. If the More button is not visible, click the arrow to the left of the Folder's title to open the Folder. Select Share with my school library. A toast will appear reading "Folder shared" and a small Shared tag will appear next to the Folder's title.
Note: To share an entire Subject, share each Folder within the Subject and they will group together in the library. Student marks associated with the resources are not shared. To share a single Lesson, first move the Lesson into its own Folder.
Update shared resources
A Lesson shared to the school library is a copy of the original. Making changes to the original Lesson will not automatically update the library copy. You must update the shared copy for those changes to be available to everyone else. Only the original Lesson can be used to update the library copy.
Click the original Folder's More menu and select Update shared copy.
Un-share resources
Your Lessons can only be removed from the library by you, co-teachers in your Subject, and Stile admins. If you are an admin for your school, see here for an overview on how to manage your school library.
Click the original Folder's More menu and select Remove from my school library. The shared mark will disappear from the original Folder.
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