Words highlighted in blue will reveal extra definitions and context to help you learn the topic.
Have you ever come across a word in Stile that you didn't know? Probably! Some of those words can be found in the unit glossary or in Stile X, but it can be tough to find when you're in the middle of class and your teacher's already moving on. This is where pop up definitions will help you.
Look for the words that are highlighted and underlined in blue and hover your mouse over them, or tap them if you are using a touch screen device. A new box will appear that includes a definition of the word, a narration tool to read the definition aloud, and often times an image to give the word a little extra context.
The example above shows three words with pop up definitions: atoms, renewable, and explain.
- Atoms is a term that you would find in the unit's glossary, and so it will be used a lot in the unit and the test. You can revise glossary words with the flashcards and quizzes in Stile X.
- Renewable may not be in your glossary, but it's still important to understand because it ties in to what you're learning. It also looks great when you use these words correctly in your test answers.
- Explain is a word you will see frequently in school, not just in science or Stile! This and other question words like describe or explore tell you how to answer the question and what your teachers expect to see. Pay close attention to these words.
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