The tools provided in the Interactive canvas make it a versatile and creative space for exploring Lesson content.
The majority of tools in the Interactive canvas are available to both students and teachers:
- Undo and redo
- The cursor
- Pen tool
- Shape tool
- Line tool
- Text tool
- Image Uploader
- Layer tools
- Keyboard Shortcuts
A few tools are exclusive to teachers:
Click on each of the above to jump directly to its section in this article, or continue reading below.
Undo and redo
The curved arrows on the left end of the toolbar will undo and redo actions. If a mistake is made, e.g. an element is moved off the side of the canvas, click the arrow pointing left to undo the action.
Note: Wait for the canvas to save between each click for best results.
To reverse an 'undo' action, click the right-pointing 'redo' arrow.
Students also have a Reset button available, which takes the canvas back to the original state. If they click this by mistake, then they can click the Undo button to restore their work.
The cursor
The black arrow is a standard cursor tool. Use this to select, resize, rotate, and move elements around the canvas.
Select an element by clicking it with the cursor tool. Drag the square dots on the corners and edges of the bounding box to stretch, squash, embiggen and shrink the element. Drag the round dot on top of the element to rotate it.
The pen
The pen tool looks like a texter drawing a curvy line. Use this to draw freehand shapes on the canvas.
Combine this with the line weight and colour options on the right side of the toolbar.
The shape tool offers a wide variety of predefined shape elements to choose from. Once the element is drawn with a click-and-drag motion, its size and dimensions can be edited using the bounding box of the element. Combine this with the line weight, line colour, and fill colour options on the right side of the toolbar.
Protip: Hold down the Shift key when creating a new shape to create a more freeform object. The circle shape will create an oval, and the square shape will create a rectangle!
Lines and arrows
The line tool offers a selection of solid and dotted lines as well as arrows. Draw the line or arrow with a click-and-drag motion. Combine this with the line weight and colour options on the right side of the toolbar.
Protip: Hold down the Shift key to keep the line straight horizontally or vertically.
The text tool allows the student or teacher to type in the interactive canvas. Click and drag across the canvas to determine the width of the text box. The height of the box will increase as more text is added. Combine this with the font size and colour options on the right side of the toolbar.
Image Uploader
The image uploader allows the teacher or student to add a picture from their device to the canvas. Teachers can use images as creative backdrops for activities by locking them so students can't move them, or as automatically marking movable elements.
Layer tools
Each element on the canvas (text box, shape, line, etc) exists on its own layer. The layer tools can bring an element forward or backward.
- To bring one element forward so it covers another: use the cursor tool select the element and then click the layer tool with the up arrow. It may need to be clicked more than once, to move the element forward more than one layer.
- To move an element back so it appears behind another: use the cursor tool to select the element and then click the layer tool with the down arrow. It may need to be clicked more than once, to move the element back more than one layer.
Lock an element (teacher only)
When the teacher locks an element, it cannot be selected or moved by a student. This is especially useful when creating backgrounds, instructions, or highlighted areas on the canvas. Watch the video to learn more or continue reading below:
Use the cursor tool to select the element to be locked, and then click on the lock tool. The padlock will appear closed when the element is locked, and a padlock icon will appear on the element itself. This icon is invisible to students.
Marking (teacher only)
Teachers can create automatic feedback for elements on the canvas to greatly reduce time spent on marking student work later. This can be applied to drag-and-drop tasks and is widely used by the Stile content team. Watch the following video or continue reading below:
Use the cursor tool to select the element to be automatically marked, and then click on the marking tool on the right side of the toolbar. Click and drag the mouse over the area to be marked.
A bubble will appear with a text field and a toggle switch. Choose whether the area is to be marked correct or incorrect and then type in the desired feedback. One element can be assigned multiple correct and incorrect areas on the canvas. These areas are invisible to the students.
Note: An element will be marked incorrect if it is placed anywhere outside the correct area. Adding an incorrect area allows the teacher to leave written feedback as well as a mark, but it isn't necessary.
Customise colours and fonts
The line width tool adjusts the thickness of lines, arrows, and shape outlines. Use the cursor tool to select the element to be modified before adjusting the line width.
The line colour tool changes the colour of the line, arrow, or the outline of a shape. The fill colour tool changes the colour of a shape. Use the cursor tool to select the element to be modified before adjusting its colour(s).
The font size tool shrinks and embiggens the text. The font colour tool changes the colour of the text. Select the text to be modified before adjusting its size and colour.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Teachers have access to a full list of keyboard shortcuts available for working in the widget. These shortcuts can help you align objects horizontally and vertically. Access the shortcuts by clicking the keyboard button next to the Marking tool.
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